this didn't seem to post the first time even though it's in my sent
items. hopefully it will work this time. i really need help with this.

On 8/6/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm in need of some help. I'm using blockUI to display a small set of fields
> to the user along with two buttons, "save" and "close". This little
> psuedo-form (it's not a true form) appears when the user clicks on a store
> from a list of stores that I'm displaying for them. It works great on the
> first click (regardless of the store selected) but doesn't work for any
> subsequent clicks. All subsequent clicks display the default "Please Wait"
> message.
> Here's how I'm accomplishing this so far:
> The list of stores is in a table. Each row has a click bound to it that
> calls a function called SetClickEvent. For different tables this function
> performs different actions. In the case of selecting a store, it basically
> binds that click to the function EditStore. The EditStore function then
> makes an ajax call to my ColdFusion server which builds the psuedo-form and
> returns it so that jQuery can then place it in the DOM. The psuedo-form
> comes back from the server with all its buttons and all it's fields
> pre-filled depending on which store was clicked.
> Immediately after putting the markup into the DOM, I use jQuery to find the
> buttons and bind their click events to them. Then I call blockUI to show the
> psuedo-form.
> Like I said, it works like a champ the first time around, but all subsequent
> clicks fail. Here's the EditStore function:
> function EditStore(id){
>     alert(id);
>     var $StoreUpdateForm = $("#StoreUpdateForm");
>     var $MessageArea = $(".SystemMessages");
>     $MessageArea.empty().append("Loading...").show();
>     $.AjaxCFC({
>         url: "CFC/Display.cfc",
>         method: "displayStoreUpdateForm",
>         data: {"id":id},
>         unnamedargs: false,
>         serialization: "json",
>         success: function(data) {
>             $StoreUpdateForm.empty().append(data);
>             $("#CloseBtnID").bind("click",function(){
>                 $.unblockUI();
>             });
>             $("#SaveBtnID").bind("click",function(){
>                 alert("coming soon");
>             });
>             $.blockUI($StoreUpdateForm[0],{padding:'2px',
> borderColor:'#3F6F5E', top:'25%', left:'50%' });
>         },
>         complete: function(){
>             $MessageArea.empty().hide();
>         }
>     });
> }
> Unlike, most of my projects this one can be viewed online, but I'd have to
> give my password to the development area of this little app., and (I know
> this is a bad thing, but...) even in the development version it deals with
> live data. I'm hesitant to just post that information to a list. It's not
> that the app allows access to overly sensitive data, but I'd rather be safe.
> Let me know if you just have to, have to, have to see the bug in the wild.
> I am using the latest version of blockUI, with the latest version of jQuery.
> I have verified (via the alert statement that you can see at the top of the
> EditStore function) that each time a store gets clicked on, it's ID is
> indeed passed into the function as expected. Presumably the problem exists
> somewhere in the success block of my ajax call.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --


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