I think postJSON is not necessary couze u will decode that json in server/PHP

for both u have to passa a parameter in a callback function to receive de data

$.post('url.php',{ data: json_obj }, function(data){

if u´re receiving a JSON is better to use $.getJSON

On 8/7/07, Giovanni Battista Lenoci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Till now I used a function I write myself to send via post the vars from
> client to server, and then (in the php file) I compose a json object to
> resend to the client, and I evaluate it.
> Now I'm tryng jquery, and I'm taking  a look to:
> $.post (with this one I can continue sending data from client to server
> via post, but I've to evaluate the returned object).
> $.getJson(with this one I can't send data from client to server via
> post, but I don't have to evaluate the returned object).
> It doesn't exist something like $.postJson??
> Thank you.


[]´s Jean

   Ethereal Agency

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