hi stephan,

this is a neat plugin, i see myself using this in some cases.

u mentioned that this functionality was there in imdb.com correct? where
exactly in that site can i get to see this feature?


On 8/8/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 8, 6:28 pm, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For the click, i was thinking: clicking on the overlay will unhide the
> > text, and mouse-out will hide it again, but that might be tedious/
> @Sam & Dan:
> i've added click-toggle and hoverIntent support via an optional init
> parameter:
> $('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers({method:'click'});
> $('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers({method:'hoverIntent'}); // requires
> hoverIntent plugin
> The default is method:'hover'.
> This doubled the MIN'd size of the code, though. It's now a whopping
> 424 bytes ;).
> These features will be included in tomorrow's release. (i use the date
> as the version number, and i've already made a release today, so i've
> gotta wait another 5 hours [CET/GMT+1] before i can make a new
> release ;).
> You can have multiple types of spoiler revealing on one page by simply
> using a marker class, like this:
>         // On-hover spoiler:
>         $('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers();
>         // On-hover spoiler using hoverIntent plugin:
>         $('.jqSpoilerIntent').initSpoilers({method:'hoverIntent'})
>                 .addClass('jqSpoiler');
>         // Clickable spoiler:
>         $('.jqSpoilerClick').initSpoilers({method:'click'})
>                 .addClass('jqSpoiler');
> The addClass() is used to ensure that the items marked with the marker
> classes get the same CSS treatment.

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