On Aug 8, 10:20 pm, m3avrck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will be announcing the plugin very soon, it's going to rock and amaze
> people, based on the current feedback ;-) [yes, it's called CSSmizer]
> However, found another bug -- onShow is called the first time the page
> loads, but if you close the window and try it again, onShow is not
> fired... doh!

Please provide a link to your code -- I have a feeling the jqModal
portion is not being used "under spec". Here's an overview;

  1) onShow, the callback, if defined, is executed every time
$.jqmShow() is called.

  2) $.jqmShow() can only be executed on elements initialized as
jqModal targets [[ e.g. $('#jqModal').jqm(); ]]

  3) $.jqmShow() is fired either a) manually, or b) when a "trigger"
is clicked

  4) Triggers are assigned during the initialization of a jqModal
element, or manually via $('#jqModal').jqmAddTrigger(elements)


  Because the nature of the above, by design;

  5) $.jqm(), the initializer, should not be called more than once on
an element -- Rather, $.jqmShow(), $.jqmAddTrigger(), &
$.jqmAddClose() should be used on elements already initialized as
jqModal targets.

  I hope this provides some insight into the the onShow issue.

  As for the overlay: 0 && IE6 -- thanks for noticing this. This is
new (jQuery behavior, and I'll look into resolving it ASAP.
One thing I noticed in my quick IE6 tests... if you click example 3c,
you'll notice the dialog suffers from this bug. Clicking example 3b
while 3c is still open corrects things.

  Looking forward to your plugin,

~ Brice

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