No problem karl.... I like being "quoted" ;-)

But, the jkwick doesn't actually use the technique he needs. Instead it uses
a boolean called "running" to determine if an animation is running or not
and if it is running, then it doesn't trigger another animation until that
has finished. Actually it is just a hack to get around the issue of not
being able to stop animations in the middle.

That said, "Eridius", if all you need is to stop the animation midway, you
have to take a look at the interface Fx plugin. Just the way mootools has
moo.fx as a module, you get interesting FX features with interface plugin's
FX. One such thing is <<surprise, surprise>> a way to easily stop
animations. Take a look here...

Eridius, come on, it is not a "lot of code"... the whole jkwick plugin(which
is packaged for reuse) is just approximately 1K leaving the comments out.


On 8/13/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Aug 13, 2007, at 8:40 PM, Joel Birch wrote:
> On 8/14/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 8/14/07, Eridius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > That help quite a bit but still not the effect i am looking for.  I
> > > know this
> > > is ironic but i am looking for the effect on this home page on the
> > > right
> > > hand side:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The thing that that effect has and this one does not is the is stops
> > > the
> > > effect once the mouse leaves if i move over a link real fast and then
> > > leave
> > > it.  in my code it perform the full effect even if my mouse is over it
> > > right
> > > away.  is there a way to stop the effect from fully complete if the
> > > mouse is
> > > move in and then out real fast?
> > >
> >
> > Would you like to take this one Karl ;)
> >
> > Joel.
> Seriously though, I think you will find that jQuery can not currently stop
> animations mid-way through. If it begins, it will animate fully and then
> remember to do the closing animation if you moused out in the meantime. I
> think the ability to stop animations mid-way is planned for a future release
> of jQuery.
> In the meantime I highly recommend looking at Brian Cherne's hoverIntent
> plugin as it will definitely help cut down on triggering unwanted animations
> for menus like this.
> haha, very funny, Joel. :-)
> I hope Ganeshji Marwaha doesn't mind my pasting a previous email of his
> that answers the same question:
> 1. There is a plugin called hover 
> intent<>.
> The primary purpose of this plugin is to stop these kind of actions on
> unintentional hovers.
> So, you can allow the user to move the mouse over ur link, and when it is
> clear that the users intention is to actually use the link, the hover event
> is fired. This can solve your problem although, this might not be what you
> are looking for.
> 2. You can unbind the mouseover event when the animation starts and in the
> animation end callback you can bind the handler again. Same can be done for
> mouse out as well. This way if the user mouseovers the link, the unbind
> event happens and the animation starts. During this time if the user hovers
> over it again and again, your handler wont be called because you have
> unbound it already. Once the animation is done, attach the handler again.
> And you can see an implementation of suggestion #2 in Ganeshji's
> jQuerified version of another Mootools accordion thingie:
> Just have a look at the source js. That should get you going in the right
> direction.
> This questions has been asked a lot lately. Anyone up for adding it to the
> frequently asked questions list? :)
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedberg

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