
I have a big problem using jquery and ajax. I have the following code:
http://pastebin.com/m2ab384c1 !
I submit a form and an ajax request is sent. if the site the request
is sent to outputs '-1|X', than it's an error with X as error msg, if
it's 1, it was successfull!
Now I tried to enter validation code wrong and I get the error, that
it was wrong ... the form isn't hidden so I can try again! When trying
again and again with wrong code, I get always this error msg (so far,
that's how it should be) ...

If than I enter the right code, the alert(msg) is executed, I get
'1' (so I think it should go into the else-block and display msg of
success), 'ASDx' is also alerted, but than 'ASD1', 'ASD2' and 'ASD3'
are not alerted (I dunno why ... even if no block of if-else is being
executed, it should alert 'ASD3' ...), and I get the 3 alerts from the
'error' handler ... the third parameter says: "Type Error: e.style has
no property" ...

I don't understand this.
Can you help me? Thanks!

p.s.: I have jquery and jquery form plugin!

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