wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for work,
and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks guys...

Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why i
have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
commented them out. ;-)

Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
cool for most of them. I chose to display "backout" as my first effect
because that is the same as
what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to
compare and comment.

@Brandon - Thanks a ton... <<blushing>>

@Mike - Thanks

@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
for jquery 1.2

@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when this
little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
documentation. Take a look at my
jCarouselLite<>and u
will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your

Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth making
this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take
> a
> > look at it
> Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is "lava lamp", so maybe "lava
> lamp menu" would be a suitable plugin name?
> Is it intentional that the "bubble" slides past its target, and then
> back (a "single bounce" effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
> happens i think, "oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item." Have
> you tried it without the bounce?
> And a CSS question for you:
> i notice several commented-out blocks with "!important" in them. What
> does that mean in CSS?

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