Hi All

I've been hacking with jQuery on and off lately and I've now hit the
annoying problem of not being able to access simple DOM 0 properties
unless, apparently, using either of the following syntaxes:



Eventually after scratching my head each time, I've found this syntax
answer again. However is this documented? I really find the jQuery
documentation very handy but I do not remember seeing this crucial
information within it.

It seems from searching this group, I'm not the only person who
perceives jQuery methods to provide additional functionality above
JavaScript, but to still allow access to the simple properties we are
all familiar with. If this is not the case, and it doesn't seem to be,
these and other syntax 'shortcuts' really should be documented and
very obviously at that, shouldn't they?

I can access the wiki and I'm happy to add this information though I
am not convinced I have a complete 'handle' on it.


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