Does anyone have any suggestions?

On Aug 13, 10:17 pm, SteelSoftware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having some trouble with theautocompleteplugin from
> bassistance.de
> I'm doing a multiple-select box, original code copied from the
> example, but there are a couple of things that I need changing:
> 1. I don't want the result function to trigger when a new item is
> selected as it does in the example
> 2. I want the "get values" function to be triggered from outside the
> div that the select box is in (it's currently result(function).next...
> Also, this current bit of code I've got doesn't want to work in Opera
> (9.2) but will work in FF/IE
> Anyhelpwould be great thanks, I've only just got into jQuery and I'm
> loving it, but some things are tricky (especially late at night!)
> Many thanks
> Steve
> Steel Software
> Code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         function formatItem(row) {
>                 return row[0]+" ("+row[2]+", "+row[4]+" "+row[3]+")";
>         }
>         function formatResult(row) {
>                 return row[0];
>         }
>         function findValueCallback(event, data, formatted) {
>                 $("<li>").text( !data ? "No match!" : "Selected: " +
> formatted).appendTo("#result");
>         }
> $("#squadSearch").autocomplete("ajax/searchpeople.php", {
>                 delay: 150,
>                 multiple: true,
>                 mustMatch: true,
>                 autoFill: true,
>                 formatItem: formatItem,
>                 formatResult: formatResult,
>         });
> // This line needs to be changed for the submit to work!!
> $("#squadSearch").result(findValueCallback).
> ("input#submit").click(function() {
>                 $(this).prev().search();
>         });
> });

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