Yes, I suggest you have unique IDs. Maybe something like (untested):

<ol><li id="item1">...</li><li id="item2">...</li></ol>

Then on drop do something like:

var newId = 'sort_list_' +;
if($('#' + newId).length == 0) { // doesn't exist in this list yet
  $(drag).clone().attr('id', newId).appendTo(this);


On 8/15/07, jenlindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi, how does one check for the presence of a clone? i need to drag
> copies of items from one list to another, then make the second list
> sortable. so, i've been using the revert:true inside the draggable and
> on drop creating a clone of each item - but, i want to prevent cloning
> the same item twice. i want to check to see if an item's clone exists
> before creating one, and only do so if it doesn't. i've been trying
> this kind of thing:
> if ( $j('#sort_list').find($j(drag).clone()) ){
>                 $j(drag).clone().appendTo(this);
> }
> but it does not return false. i also tried working with .index == -1,
> but never got that either. do my items need to have unique ids in
> order for this to work?
> thanks,
> jen

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