Mike, early I wrote a more detail message but when saving it, Google
swallowed it up and it went into LALA land. I don't know if it was
related by FireFox barfed when Google failed to return.

Anyway, I explained how you may be able to do this using Functional
Programming ideas, but I also mentioned "SmartyPant."  I have not used
SP,  but from what I understand it does offer extended template
processing ideas for PHP.  It might not do what you exactly but it
might do something similar.


On Aug 15, 7:59 pm, MikeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We all know & love jQuery, but something that I've been wondering for
> a while now... not sure if it's feasible or not, but I'll ask anyway
> =).
> Is there any sort of HTML parser for PHP that's similar to jQuery's
> selectors?
> ie: $('div.class').html()...... but a PHP version?
> Thanks!

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