What doesn't work about it? Is the venueSwap function getting called? Is the
showMe function getting called? Are there any JavaScript errors in firebug?
Are you calling venueSwap(randomVenue) from within a $(document).ready()


On 8/16/07, AJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hopefully my explanation of this problem will make sense, but here
> goes.
> I am using some jQuery to create a function that passes data to a
> Flash movie (via ExternalInterface). I have bound a click event to
> three images, so that when clicked, a parameter is sent to a function
> within the Flash movie, and Flash takes it from there.
> -----------------
> function venueSwap(venue) {
> myFlashMovie = document.getElementById("mySlide");
> myFlashMovie.showMe(venue); //showMe is the actionscript function
> inside Flash
> }
> $("#theatre, #museum, #symphony").click(function(){
> venue = $(this).attr('id');
> venueSwap(venue);
> });
> --------------
> Up to this point, everything is fine. However, I also want the initial
> page load to load one of them at random, so I figured I could just
> call the function afterwards by itself, like so:
> venueSwap(randomVenue);
> But it won't work for some reason. I've even tried something like:
> $("#theatre").trigger("click");
> ...which doesn't work either. I'm completely baffled why this is ONLY
> working when the image is physically clicked by the user.
> Thoughts?

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