This might be a case for writing your own custom filter function:

  return $(this).text().match(/2[0-5]/);
}).append(': Extreme');


On 8/15/07, bsuttis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm appending a word to a number like so:
> $(".field-item:contains('25')").append(': Extreme');
> My question is, given that the numbers 20-25 all should append
> 'Extreme', is there an easier way than doing the following?
> $(".field-item:contains('25')").append(': Extreme');
> $(".field-item:contains('24')").append(': Extreme');
> ...
> $(".field-item:contains('21')").append(': Extreme');
> $(".field-item:contains('20)").append('': Extreme');
> Maybe using an array or range function? Though I may be thinking too
> much like php.

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