> >     if (event.target.id != 'match') 

> Thank you for the syntax correctoin. But how does jQuery know 
> that 'match' is an ID and not an ordinary variable.

It's neither. 'match' is a string.

event is a variable. event.target is a property of the event variable, and
event.target.id is a property of event.target.

> I have the handler set up but it seems to match any div that 
> is clicked including the #match ID which I want it to ignore. Grrr.
> So I am wondering is there some kind of process I could 
> follow on Firebug that would help me see where things are going wrong?

I would add this statement where you want to look around (e.g. at the first
line of your click event function):


Firebug will stop there and you can look at variables and stuff. For
example, you can type event.target.id into the Watch window and it will show
you the value of that property.

I wonder if it should be this.id instead of event.target.id? See what is in
them both...


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