No need to start a new thread, if your questions are about the same

The animated slide effect works for me in Firefox (latest
stable ver), as well as Opera 9.02.

It looks like the stay-on-top will work, but you have conflicting
bindings, and I think we need to add a zIndex increasing variable to
get the desired behavior with Interface draggables. I tried to read
through the original test draggable script (wz_dragdrop.js) but it's a
bit much to absorb. Try the following:

zIndexCounter = 101; //note: this is not the proper way to extend
jQuery options, but it is easy.

jQuery(function($) {
        $('.dragme').Draggable( { opacity: 0.7, zIndex: 100,
                        containment: (0,0, 1024, 768),
                        onDrag:( function() {
                              $(this).css({ zIndex: zIndexCounter });

        $('#karta').hover( function() {
          }, function() {
                 $('#daxtylo').hover( function() {
          }, function() {


This will start your draggables at zIndex: 100 and continue increasing
with every drag.  Just make sure to define your Thickbox CSS starting
at something way higher, like zIndex: 1000; so that it takes 900 drags
before the draggables will overlap your Thickbox.


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