Brice, very nice work.

On 8/18/07, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ladies and Gentleman,
>   A few hundred bytes were added to the jqModal plugin to aid those
> struggling with z-Index container stacking issues. Namely; there's now
> a shortcut** to overcome "the overlay covers everything, including the
> dialog!" issues. Other improvements include a fault-tolerant focus
> method as well as avoidance of IE z-Index stacking order issues.
>   It has been awhile since this plugin made an announcement in the -
> disuss limelight -- so for those that haven't heard; r10 was released
> and addressed some long-standing issues [detailed @ plugin page] as
> well as current [] jQuery compatibility issues.
>   The plugin page can be found @
>   A demonstration of the new toTop method can be found @
>   The z-Index issue effects many-a-user of many-a-dialog-script... and
> thus may prove of interest to you even if you *don't* use jqModal.
>   Hope you're all having an enjoyable weekend && || coding experience!
> ~ Brice
> ** I decided to add to the base for convenience. For those die-hards,
> the same functionality of the toTop method could be added via the
> onShow and onClose callback functions using the following code;
> [!-- JS --]
> var showModal = function(h) {
>         // remember DOM posistion of window
>         h.w.before('<span id="jqmPlace'+h.w[0]._jqm+'"></span>');
>         // NOTE: above can be combined in the chain...
>         // move after overlay (child of body), avoids z-index issues
>         // show window
>         h.w.insertAfter(h.o).show();
> };
> var closeModal = function(h) {
>         // remove overlay
>         h.o.remove();
>         // restore DOM position of window
>         // remove placeholder
>         // hide window
>         $('#jqmPlace'+h.w[0]._jqm).after(h.w.hide()).remove();
> };

Benjamin Sterling

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