The beautiful of jQuery is the extensibility of the plugins. The core of jQuery must be small, with the core methods and without complexes methods that overload the processor.

In this sense, livequery is very good, I like it, but why insert it into the core? If you want allways the livequery behaviour, you simply concatenate it to the jQuery file ;-)

jQuery event methods uses the JavaScript core function addEventListener or attachEvent (in IE) so the execution of these methods is fast. But you can check the code of Livequery, it checks allways the new elements attaching the event, and sets an interval loop for checking again and again.

I have many projects that I don't need the Livequery behaviour and with the jQuery core functions works well, so I don't need overload my code using Livequery in these projects.

Maybe, in some moments you can find plugins very cool, but it is not good insert all the pieces
of code that you like into the jQuery code.

Making the custom jQuery file to me (example):
java -jar custom_rhino.jar -w -version 150 -f jquery.js -c jquery.wordscounter.js -c jquery.copyEvent.js > jquery.plugins.js

So I simply attach jquery.plugins.js in my code and I can use all the methods.

Another method (using php)
HTML: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/getlibraries.php?js[]=jquery.js&js[]=jquery.copyEvents.js&.....
   //compressing with gzip

|    $all_code = "";
   for($i=0;$i< count($_GET["js"]); $i++){
      $all_code .= file_get_contents($_GET["js"][$i]);
   echo $all_code;

Eridius escribió:
This should be intergrated in the core jquery, i think it could replace .bind
since it does the same thing but more without  have to change any
parameters, just to to the change c.bind to .livequery.

duma wrote:

Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola <>

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

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