Specifically I was confused that the ID was missing from the pics

Besides adding an ID to the container code I suggest that your js
download contain a sample of ONE effect, the images and css.

Lots of people do that and what is so nice is you can open there
index.htm and immediately have it working, then start modifying or
insidertinto your own code.


On Aug 21, 2:16 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @mitch:
> What exactly is missing from the examples?  Is it just the container
> ID that confused you?  On the beginner demo I tried to clearly show
> how the markup and CSS should look but I didn't want to show that over
> and over for each and every demo.
> @Stephan:
> Interesting idea.  For now I'm going to try to keep the Cycle Plugin
> as lean as possible.  It's already grown much larger than I had
> intended.  As an FYI, Cycle is for more than just images.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Mike
> > But its not complete. You dont show everything that you need. The
> > container in your excellent examples is #S1. That really confused me.- Hide 
> > quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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