Stephan Beal wrote:
On Aug 22, 11:42 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
flickering occurs. You can mitigate the flickering problem by making
sure the elements you add to the dome have a css ('visibility',
'hidden') but that still leaves the other problems.

FYI: visibility:hidden is different than visibility:none. 'hidden',
according to Eric Meyers' O'Reilly book, acts as if the element is
still there, but invisible. That is, it's space is still taken up.
visibility:none acts as if the element is not part of the DOM, for
purposes of display. So you can probably get rid of the flickering by
using 'none' instead of 'hidden'.

Do not mix up visibility and display properties. There is no value of "none" for the visibility property. That is supposed to for display.


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