Well, the jQuery team aims to please. :D

Karl's my bud and sometimes you just need a second set of eyes.


Mitchell Waite wrote:
Woo hoo, this is great stuff. How nice of you to do this Sherlock Holmes
work. And such a elegant solution.

-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:36 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Karl, cluetip questions: Select IE6 bug ETA, and
incorporating JTIP?


I believe what you're seeing is the slide down effect that's an option in clueTip.

If you want to get around that just do something like this:

$('#cfvhelp').cluetip({width: 200, cluetipClass: 'jtip', arrows: true, dropShadow: false, fx: {open:'show', openSpeed: 'fast'}});

This will improve the display performance quite a bit.

@Karl: What I would suggest is that if the "fx" is left out, default to using show() as opposed to fadeIn() and then on line 340, change this line:



$cluetip.hide()[defaults.fx.open](defaults.fx.open != 'show' && (defaults.fx.openSpeed));

so that way if the show is the selected effect, the box instantly appears and no speed method call is necessary.

By doing this, I was able to achieve the same effect as Cody's jTip while still maintaining all of the cool and extensive functionality available in clueTip. The best of both worlds.


Mitchell Waite wrote:
Compared the mitch demo to the jTip demo.


Now I am sure j Tip is faster, but faster might not be the right word. Its like this. The very first time I hover over your cluetip I can actually see the divs and such being assembled. jTip doesn't have that flaw, it comes up whole.

And if you move the mouse back and forth over the link you will see the alignment issue with the arrow.

I think everything works nice but the performance bugs me.


*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Karl Swedberg
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:22 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Karl, cluetip questions: Select IE6 bug ETA, and incorporating JTIP?

On Aug 22, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Mitchell Waite wrote:

    One last thing Karl. Side by side your cluetips take longer to
    appear then

    jTips do. About 1/2 second slower on this rig but that is a critical

    that should be fast. Again this is me, maybe others like them slow.

You know, Mitch, I think I have an idea what's going on now. When you include the hoverIntent plugin in the <head>, the cluetip picks it up and uses its .hoverIntent() method (with default settings) rather than the .hover() method. So, I put together another little demo, just for you. I took out the hoverIntent plugin, and it's much zippier now. I also set the "open" option to "show" and the "openSpeed" option to '' (an empty string).

Let me know how that goes for you. If speed is what you're after, this should do the trick.

    Karl I see what may be a weird bug in IE7. If I leave your example
    page, go

    do something in another window, when I come back to your page the

    will not work until I reload your page.

Thanks a lot for reporting this. I'll have to boot up Parallels and check it out asap. That kind of weird bug scares me, though. I'm not very good at debugging that sort of thing.

    The new layout on your example page is much better, and now that I
    see how easy it is to do the arrow thing I am more motivated to
Glad to hear it.
    I also think your examples are too large in font and size, e.g.
normally tooltips are NOT giant boxes, they are tiny hints. Well, that's all adjustable, so change them to your heart's content. You can change the font-size in the css and you can change the width in the cluetip's options. Check out the demo I made for you (see link above). I made the font smaller. :-)

    Have you tested them in IE7? If they work fine there and FF I think
    I am now sold.

Well, not often enough, to be honest. I have tested in IE7, but not lately. But I will soon. I promise. Most recently tested in IE6, Firefox, and Safari 2 Mac.



Karl Swedberg



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