It would be easier if you posted some of the HTML as well, it's kind
of hard to analyse your querystring without knowing the DOM structure.

I don't know if this helps, but if "#rank-products" refers to the
table, then you query is looking for the first td inside a tr inside a
table inside a table.
Do you have two nested tables or just one?


On 25 Aug, 00:09, Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to target the first table cell in each table row.  I'm not
> familiar with the + character, but I thought it might be the key, but
> it wasn't:
> jQuery('#rank-products table.product-table tr + td').addClass('rank-
> handle');
> And of course this doesn't work either.
> jQuery('#rank-products table.product-table tr td:first-
> child').addClass('rank-handle');
> Also, it's important that this doesn't target nested tables (eg. #rank-
> products table.product-table table).
> Is this possible without getting too complex?

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