If only everything was so cut and dry.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/25/07, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric, anyone can come up with a solution.
> But if we strictly talking about jQuery and using it in an optimized,
> reliable, maximum support possible,  then no.
> I think the patch I illustrated resolves the issues.
> Overall, my thoughts are:
> 1) Not defining the readystatechange,  the protocol is run
> synchronously. You put more pressure on the user agent by doing this.
> Which is fine, if the developers wants to do that, but jQuery is
> forcing XmlHttpRequestion() synchronous operations always,
> 2) The capture of states in indeterminate. With jQuery's
> implementation, it is erronounsly emulation a call back with the
> timer, but "peeking" into the instantiated XmlHttpRequest object.
> Without using locks, this is fundamentally a flawed designed bound to
> bite you and/or give youi intermittent "odd" behavior or inconsistent
> results.
> 3) It ignories the state machine of the protocol and any optimize/
> improvings it may do, and/or any future transparent considerations it
> may make, i.e, fix a leak,  optimze it, etc.
> Take a look the WC3.ORG specification:
>    http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
> You (speaking in general) don't want to go against the described
> protocol state machine (the flow and steps). You want to work with it
> because that is how each conforming user agent (browser) MUST behave.
> Here is the key statement:
> "User agents may optimize any algorithm given in this specification,
> so long as the end result is indistinguishable from the result that
> would be obtained by the specification's algorithms."
> In other words, jQuery MUST conform to the specification protocol
> design expectation.
> Just consider the following example provided at the W3.ORG site.. You
> can't do this in jQuery::
>    if(this.readyState == 3) {
>      print(this.getAllResponseHeaders());
>    }
> because the jQuery external method skips loading.step (3).
> Also, it appears jQuery is calling xml.open before establishing any
> call back.  This seems to go against the written specification.   Any
> callback should be established before the protocol is initiatiated
> with open.
> In short, by introducing a timer, the design alters the protocol
> specification and fundamentally violated one of the basic principles
> in multi-threaded and sychronronization designs.  Sychronization 101
> preaches "Thou shall not use Timers"  to sychronize events.  In this
> case, it using "time" to take a snapshot of a state that might have
> come and gone - scary!   The only reason it appears to work is because
> jQuery is using the minimum resolution in intel machines  called the
> quantum (10 -15 ms depending on the CPU type).   This allows it to
> appear to it is sychronized in round robin fashion. In other words, it
> is illusion that it appears to work.
> I wonder what will happen if you lowered the resoluition to 1ms which
> in Windows can be done using BeginPeriod and EndPeriod mult-media
> functions.  That might give further strenghten that it may work fine
> because the user-agent is now getting more context-switching.   But
> its worth checking because this would only go to show how using the
> timer makes the design extremely sensitive to all kinds of unknowns.
> Finally, the idea of memory leaks issues is a non-issue. If it is a
> bug, its a bug and the vendors should be told about it.  But the
> solution, I don't think was appropriate.  I could be completely off
> base, but  I find it hard ot believe this is "required."  It is just
> goes against my grain to see a timer like this, why?  To fix a leak?
> I will venture that this may contribute to some of the timer/event
> firing issues that may be "serendipitously" reported here.
> --
> Hector Santos, CTO
> http://www.santronics.com
> http://santronics.blogspot.com (personal bog)
> Wildcat! Interactive Net Server (RPC C/S Intranet Hosting System)
> Wildcat! Sender Authentication Protocol (AVS system).
> iFTP (Intelligent FTP)
> Silver Xpress Offline Mail System
> Platinum Xpress Frontend Mailer (P2P)
> On Aug 25, 3:58 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Couldn't you just use beforeSend to intercept the XMLHttpRequest
> > object and add your own callback handlers to it directly? You'll have
> > to put up with all of the aforementioned memory leak issues, but you'd
> > get access to all of the state changes that you're looking for...
> >
> > --Erik
> >
> > On 8/25/07, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Dan,
> >
> > > Thats exactly how I do look at code - always.  I am a commercial
> > > developer. Products are used across the board.  It is was one reason
> > > we avoided using javascript for many years (or atleast not these more
> > > advanced levels).
> >
> > > In this case, I don't think setting a timer and bypassing the
> > > implemented xmlhttpRequest() state machine protocol would work
> > > consistently.   To illustrate my point, you already get different
> > > behavior on what states are skipped and changing  the frequency will
> > > give you different behavior.
> >
> > > On the other hand, each protocol is designed to behave to provide each
> > > state and it must be signaled - otherwise it is really broken and
> > > something the vendor must address pronto. That should not be jQuery's
> > > responsibility.
> >
> > > In my products development experience, when you begin to "kludge" in
> > > solutions to get around a specific vendor problem, while that may work
> > > in the interim, that generally invites inconsistencies.   jQuery is
> > > not cross browser ready in my opinion.  Far too many items are not
> > > being tested well enough with IE.
> >
> > > Of course, whats fundamentally different is the open source
> > > mentality.  The idea of using open source is relatively new for me.
> > > All the old reasons for not using it, are the same if you catch my
> > > drift.  Yet, that is the way it is today. Can't no longer ignore it.
> > > So it takes a different mindset to get use to it - the idea of
> > > accepting lower quality software "as is" (and I am not saying jQuery
> > > is low quality) than what it normally would expected to be in a
> > > commercial environment.   Of course, being that is open source, give
> > > the community the power to analyze the code - and I can't help myself,
> > > its in my nature to look at these things.
> >
> > > You know whats difference?
> >
> > > Unlike the past with free software, no longer are you seeing the
> > > proverbial - "Its free, stop complaining."  <g>
> >
> > > So thas good atleast - the "professionalism" is growing in the open
> > > source world.
> >
> > > --
> > > HLS
> >
> > > On Aug 24, 10:17 pm, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Pops,
> >
> > > > >Ok, there is always a reasons for something.  I appreiciate you
> taking
> > > > >the timeout to share it.
> >
> > > > One thing to keep in mind is that jQuery is intended to be a
> cross-browser
> > > > library. Just because the XHR object works one in one browser, does
> not mean
> > > > it works correctly in all the browsers on all platforms.
> >
> > > > The goal is to provide a consistent behavior across all browsers and
> > > > platforms whenever possible.
> >
> > > > Just keep that in mind when looking at code...
> >
> > > > -Dan

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