Hey guys and gals,
I am working on a plugin that will give a flash preloader functionality to
jQuery by, ummm, using flash.  The way it works now is that it take an image
that a developer marks for "preloading," sends that url to flash at the same
time it removes the img tag and creates the tags for a load bar and flash.
In the flash file, it loads the url into the loadMovie function and I have a
basic preload script that uses the flash.external function and calls a
function in the "plugin" and updates the loadbar, for people who know how to
code actionscripting, the code will be more or less the same.  The goal is
allow people to get away from the animate gif and give them to build some
fancy javascript/css based preload animation.

The problems I have:

1.  How do I make so that the plugin can be used for multiple images on
page, some like jqModal has?
2.  What features should be built into this plugin?
a.  I figure people will want to input there of structure for their
preloader, how would I do this without making it bloated?
3.  What is the best way to make sure the end user has flash so that this
fails nicely?
4.  Is this something that will even be useful?
5.  I tested it on IE7/IE6 standalone, FF 2 and this worked well, can
someone test on mac and linux?  I am assuming that they utilize cache the
same way.

Any and all feedback is welcomed.

The url: http://www.benjaminsterling.com/experiments/jqLoadBar/

Benjamin Sterling

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