I hope this isn't a double post, my other one was over 12hrs ago and
it never displayed. I'm trying to get the text out of a <p> tag, I can
do this if I set an id name, but I don't want to id everything, since
with jQuery I don't need to. The premise is I'm clicking a link and it
gets two values and inserts them in a texarea. Inserting isn't the
problem, just finding the values.

   $("#comments span h5 a").click(function(){
                var author = $(this).parent("span").next("p").text();

<div id="comments">
<div id="5"><span><h4>Minion</h4><h5>(<a href="#">Reply</a>)</h5></
<p>Back to normal status</p>

I'm finding the link, I had an alert test, so I know it works. So I
then tried to capture the data in the <p> tag. I just get a blank
alert though. I tried without the parent at first, but got nothing. So
thought I had to go up to the main tag before calling next, still
nothing. While on topic, is there a way to get the value of an id tag?
The number 5 will serve importance later.

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