Many thanks for the redefine doc.write() suggestion!  It didn't work,
but it was certainly a good idea. ^_^

I updated with the
redefined document.write(), but it still does not solve the issue of
the Thawte image replacing the page.  I added a second button that
calls the altered document.write() to append some plain Jane text to
the #thawte container div (for proof of concept).  That button works
nicely in every browser I tested.

Results of the "Insert Thawte" button:
  IE 7:  Nothing seems to happen (throbber throbs but nothing changes)
  Firefox  Same as before (replaces page contents with image)
  Safari 3.0.3: Same as FF
  Opera 9.10:  Works as Intended (Yay, Opera!)

Is the remote doc scoped separately?  Is document.write() semi-


On Aug 27, 12:28 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your hunch is right: Thawte's script uses document.write, and that is what
> is causing the problem. Once the document has been closed, a new
> document.write replaces the entire document.
> If you load this page directly from the browser address bar you will see
> their JavaScript code:
> You'll see a document.write at the end that's used for all browsers, as well
> as three document.write calls in a row that appear to have something to do
> with certain versions of IE and Windows.
> One thing you could do is replace document.write with your own version that
> uses jQuery or other methods to insert the image dynamically:
>    document.write = function( text ) {
>       // do your own stuff here
>    };
> The document.write call at the end would be easy because it's self
> contained. Just call $(something).append() or the like with that text. The
> three calls in a row for IE would be a little trickier - you could save the
> text for each call as you receive it, and then when you get the ending
> document.write("</div>"); slap them together and do an append() or whatever.
> -Mike
> > From: Pyrolupus
> > I have a site that uses a Thawte certification image, but the
> > image shows up slowly at times that Thawte's server is
> > feeling under the weather.  Since I have no control over
> > their script or their server-- and since the image's current
> > position is mid-page--I'd like to be able to just put in a
> > placeholder and then load it after the rest of the page is
> > done.  (Presently, it can delay the page's loading.)
> > Currently (just for testing), I have tried placing a script
> > block inside an IDed div, and setting that script's src
> > attribute, but the entire page is replaced with the Thawte
> > image.  Is what I'm after even possible?  Or am I just going
> > about it in the wrong way?
> > I've dummied up a couple of pages to show what's happening.
> > (So far, I've only tested in FF
> >
> >
> > The first page tries to load the image on ready().  Since you
> > can't see the page after the Thawte image takes over, I
> > created the second page (..._button...) to execute the same
> > process after clicking a button.
> > The "Secured by Thawte" logo requires including a script tag
> > with an SRC that points to an EXE on Thawte's servers.  I
> > presume that Thawte's scripts use either doc.write() or add a
> > new Image() to the parent element.  I'm honestly not sure.

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