One more thing.  I found that if I include an alert function at the
end of the saveComments function, the value is saved correctly in IE
and FF...however I don't want to have an alert and need to understand
why this happens:

unction saveComments(){
                curVal = $j("#act_progress").val();
                origVal = $j("#originalText").text();

                newVal = curVal + "\n\n" + origVal;




On Aug 28, 8:41 am, Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to do the following:
> I have a textarea on a page.  I want to preserve the text that has
> been previously entered in the text box.  My solution has been to do
> the following:
> function commentHistory() {
>         var originalText = $j("#act_progress").text();
>         $j("#act_progress").parent().append("<p /><b>History</b><p /><div
> id='originalText'><pre style='font-size:10pt;font-family: verdana,
> arial, helvetica, serif'>"+originalText+"</pre></div>");
>         $j("#act_progress").text("");
> }
> The above function displays the original value of the text box in its
> own div.  When a user goes to submit the form the following function
> is called:
> function saveComments(){
>                 curVal = $j("#act_progress").val();
>                 origVal = $j("#originalText").text();
>                 newVal = curVal + "\n\n" + origVal;
>                 $j("#act_progress").val(newVal);
> }
> In Firefox this behaves as expected in that the original value is
> appended to the new value and both old and new are saved.  However in
> IE...only the new value is saved.  Not sure why this is happening and
> need to find a way around it.
> M

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