> >>> This does not work:
> >>>     jQuery ( function() { function test() {alert('here')} } );
> >>>     test;  // assume that test is defined at this point...

> > That's what didn't make sense. You want to define test later, but 
> > reference it now? No, you can't do that.

> Well the sample is simplified, hence the code-comment. What 
> actually happens is that test would be called based on a user 
> triggered event, in theory post-document ready.
> I currently have a function being defined within a document 
> ready block. 
> I'd like to be able to access that function outside of the 
> document ready block, within the 'normal' javascript scope. 
> For the sake of this case we can assume that we won't try to 
> use the function before the document is ready.

Ah, now I'm following you! I'm slow today.

This will work:

   var test;
   jQuery ( function() { test = function() {alert('here')} } );

   // and sometime later in your code, after document.ready fires
   test();  // test is defined at this point...


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