I don't know the specifics of the easydrag plugin, however, I have seen this
as a common problem in drag-n-drop code/libraries. jQuery UI draggables
(official release coming soon, now in SVN) gives you two options for
handling this case:

1. dragPrevention(string) - You specify a jQuery selector. All matching
child elements will allow normal mouse interaction, not initiating a drag
operation. Ex: dragPrevention: 'a, input, button'

2. handle(string) - Again, a jQuery selector. Dragging can only be initiated
on the matching element(s), allowing normal mouse interaction on the rest of
the element. Ex: handle: 'div.dragHandle'

- Richard

On 8/27/07, polycarp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everybody! I'm new to JQuery and have been searching the net for
> info on the easydrag plugin, but nothing seems to help. My problem is
> pretty simple: how do you put a form into a draggable div?
> Once the div is set to be draggable, you no longer have access to the
> form fields for entry. I've tried triggering easydrag on a mousedown
> of a header within the div, but once it's set, it's set. Is there a
> way to turn features like easydrag on and off? Is there another
> (easier/better) way to accomplish the same task?
> Thanks in advance for any help you can lend. This is a great community
> and I hope to participate more in the future as my understanding
> grows.
> poly

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