Theo, your link fixed my problem as well.

It seems that IE 6 sometimes wants a few carriage returns in served
JSON content when it is parsed.


Theo Skye wrote:
> Also, check this post on Remy Sharp's blog:
> Cheers,
> -THEO-
> On Aug 8, 2007, at 6:51 PM, Bruce MacKay wrote:
> >
> > Folks,
> >
> > I have a small blog application at
> > thetuis.asp
> >
> > The application works fine in IE7 and FF on both the production
> > server (above) and my local development machine.
> >
> > IE6 works fine on my local machine, but fails on the production
> > server.
> >
> > By fail, I mean that ajax calls to the server are not returned.
> > For example, I can post a comment - and it will be stored in the
> > database - but the return ajax stream of data to update the page
> > does not arrive.  Similarly, click on the "Recent" links to
> > retrieve previous items of the blog do not "work" - the server
> > receives the instruction and does the processing, but the return
> > ajax stream doesn't seem to arrive.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks/Bruce
> >

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