Pops wrote:
Whoa!  I thought I was beginning to understand this stuff, and

Ok, I thought that this piece of JS code in the <head> tag like so:


<script  type='text/javascript'>
(function($) {
   ... Does it see HTML tags? ...

.... html tags ..

That the whole purpose of (function($) {...... })(jQuery) was so it
ready to work as soon as the HTML tags are ready?

I have to move it the JS to the affter the tags.

.... html tags ..

<script  type='text/javascript'>
(function($) {
   ... Does it see HTML tags? ...


What am I missing here about jQuery?

You messed up a usual closure with jQuery document.ready method:


$(document).ready(function() {
    // DOM is ready

or the shortcut (which looks similiar to yours but isn't):

$(function() {
    // DOM is ready

And together with the self executing anonymous function you have:

(function($) {
    $(function() {
        // DOM is ready


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