Jörn Zaefferer escribió:

Olivier Percebois-Garve schrieb:
Will "implies" be integrated anytime soon in validate ?

Could someone please explain how implies works like? I looked at the examples of YAV, but apart from the notion of dependencies I could figure out how it works. I'd be happy to integrate a similar feature into the validation plugin, once I understand what it does. Maybe its already possible and just not documented.

-- Jörn

This is a simple example of YAV implies http://yav.sourceforge.net/en/learnbyexample.html
but more complexes rules can be set with YAV (or jQuery.YAV) by example:

A: checkbox
B: textbox
C: selectbox

The rule:
(A=checked AND B='myself') IMPLIES (C='Freelance')

But you can set this before rule in another rule:
D: the before rule
E: textbox

The 2nd rule:
D is passed IMPLIES E='I work alone'

That I see, Validation plugin only can do this requirements using custom functions.

Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola <sevir1ATgmail.com>

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

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