Hi HLS & Glenn,

Glenn - I see what you mean by using straight JS, you were correct I was going 
straight js and should have been using the ajax calls - thanks for the 

HLS - I tried changing my ajax success from:
document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = thehtml;
as you suggested and while it does run the alert message, it still fails out on 
the document.getElementByID in the destination page with the same error:
TypeError: document.getElementById("blah1") has no properties

Would you be able to paste in your sample app that you created?  I am probably 
missing something small.

Thanks for the help and suggestion!


> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: AJAX GetElementByID problem
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 02:25:39 -0700
> Kevin, I am not sure why you get this property error, but I believe
> that the blah1 script will not be evaluated when you go native with
> getElementById().
> Atleast not here when I did a quick emulated test of your code.
> However, changing it to:
>  $("#destDiv1").html(thehtml);
> worked perfectly, with blah1 script doing the alert and the adding
> text to the blah1 <div> container.
> --
> Kevin wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm trying to use an ajax call to call a 2nd page which uses a
> > getElementByID to set a div's content on that page.  If I just try to
> > call the 2nd page, I get a js error that I can't run the
> > getElementByID because it has no properties.  If I change the 2nd page
> > to be a callback function and call that via the callback function of
> > jquery it works fine, so it sounds like an order of operations problem
> > here.  Is there anyway to allow getElementByIDs without forcing them
> > in a callback function?
> >
> > Here is my ajax call:
> > <div id="destDiv1">
> >     <script language="JavaScript">
> >     document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = "<div align=\"center
> > \"><img src=\"/ajax/ajax-loader.gif\" alt=\"Loading...\" /></div>";
> >     $.ajax({
> >         url: 'j1.html?a=' + Math.random(),
> >         type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', timeout: 60000,
> >         error: function(a,b,c){
> >                     document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = 'Error 
> > loading
> > channel' + a + "|" + b + "|" + c;
> >         },
> >         success: function(thehtml){
> >             // do something with HTML
> >                     document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = thehtml;
> >         }
> >     });
> >     </script>
> > </div>
> >
> > Now the page to be loaded:
> >
> > <div id="blah1"></div>
> > <script language="JavaScript">
> > alert("hi");
> > document.getElementById("blah1").innerHTML = "<strong>hi</strong>";
> > </script>
> >
> > This throws the error: TypeError: document.getElementById("blah1") has
> > no properties
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Kevin

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