On Aug 30, 4:45 pm, Mitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am so pleased you took the time to look closely at my project. Your
> analysis is perfect, but I do have some questoins below. Some may
> sound dumb because I am so new to all this.

My pleasure. I learning from all this too. :-)

> > <noscript>
> > This site requires JavaScript to be enabled!
> > </noscript>
> That is easy to fix and I will add it. There was some thought I might
> create a version that did require JS but I can see now that is the
> impossible dream.

Yeah, there is an argument for a "point of no return."  It all depends
on your current position is this a sole site or are you create a
product for others to install?.  For us,  its a product (it use to be
sold in Best Buy, CompUsa, etc),  so we don't have the luxury to go
all out with a pure web 2.0 system.  We have over 20 years of
customers and sometimes I just wish we can just blow them away and
start fresh. But then again, it is become of them we are still in
business.  So we have to do it with an optional "plug and play"
migration approach because of our Automated Update System.

The difference today is that we are taken WEB 2.0 more serious and we
can't help but to enforce it in some current parts or newer parts of
the system.  So in these areas, I have the <noscript> logic. I think
when it is done, we will simply have a fallback to the old pages and
not worry too much about trying to create a single page that covers
everything.  That is when where it gets messy.

> > - Font Size Scaling
> I have the same complaint about sites using fonts that are too hard to
> read. Honestly I have not been thinking about eyes and I better start
> today. Can you offer any words of wisdom on what I need to do to scale
> well. Does it mean using "ems" instead of points? I dont know much
> about ems and not sure I understand them enough to do it right.

I'm not a CSS expert, but I read some CSS sites that seem to indicate
that using pt and container box percentages better for scaling the
fonts.  But I also recall a few weeks back where I web hopped to some
site and I did a ctrl ++ and I was extremely impressed in how the nice
looking web site fonts and dividers all scaled nicely. It didn't
overrun, get ugly.  So I took the moment to look at the page source
and notices how it was using pluses and misses to define relative font
sizes. I save the page but I can't find it off hand.  Maybe some CSS
expert can tell us. :-)

> What happens when the font is too big for its container? Like I didnt
> design the tabs or accordion and I dont know how to scale them.

I think overall that the dimension doesn't scale with the fonts. They
don't get clipped or autofitted within the container they are in.

> > For your web site,
> > 1) why restrict the width size? Make it work with 2 4 or 5% left and
> > width margins.
> I definitly want to restrict the width because this is a control panel
> like environment, not a web site. Its more like Flash. I need to know
> where text is precisely for this to work. That is why the height is
> fixed too.

Ok, if that is your design requirement so that is how it is. I still
think you can use a % margin or width and still get it like you want

> > 2) You will see the run off in tab 1 if you don't auto-fit the
> > content.
> What do  you mean here but "run off" How do I see that?

In tab 1, if you are using FireFox hit contol + a few times until you
see how the text crosses the border.  It doesn't get clipped or

> > - Make it work in full screen!
> This is a debatable issue. I think full screen would look weird but I
> am open to seeing it.

In FF, hit F11 for full screen. :-)


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