jman schrieb:

I am not sure if this is talked about elsewhere, but I have a problem
using accordian 1.5 with the interface plugin.

The problem is that when I click to open a different part of the
accordian it does not show up. Following it in firebug the code jumps
to the interface plugin at line 177 "complete: settings.finished".
When the interface is not included it, jumps to jQuery animate.

Also, I may have been a little too quick to create a bug report over
at the jquery plugin site. If this is something that is already known
about, I will cancel by buy request.

That is most likely caused by Interface modifying jQuery's animate method. The accordion plugin relies on some internals to provide smooth animations, and those internals differ most likely a lot between jQuery and the animate method in Interface. Currently I can't do anything about that apart from pointing at the UI project, which is scheduled for the third of September and should provide adequate replacements for Interface.

-- Jörn

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