On Sep 4, 10:11 am, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hrm...
> But that didn't work. So I'm wanting to learn HOW I can do this sort
> of thing and a tutorial on these methods would help immensely.

Have you tried the interactive Selector tester tool?


Kinda neat to see what you are finding.

Do you have FireFox and the the FireBug Debugger?

You need this to see the entire picture and how things work, and it
allows you to test code in the console.

One of the "Ah ha"s is understanding that Selectors find elements or
nodes on DOM tree and unless you filter it, it finds ALL of the
matching ones.

$("xxxxxxx')   <--- find all HTML <xxxxxx> tag names
$("#xxxxxxx')   <--- find all HTML tags with id="xxxxxxx"
$(".xxxxxxx")   <--- find all HTML tags with class="xxxxxx"

I think the above are the top 3 items to understand.  Tags,  IDs and


1: <p id="foobar"></p>
2: <div id="foobar" class="blue" name="picture1"></div>
3: <h3 id="title1"></h3>
4: <h3 id="title2" class="blue" name="picture2"></h3>

To fnd all H3 tags:


should give you 3 and 4

To fnd anything blue classes


Should give you 2 and 4

To find all tags with id="foobar"


Should give you 1 and 2. Don't forget to use # for Ids in jQuery!!

>From here you do filtering for more complex searching.

I'm still learning much of this, but tags also have attributes.
attributes are id=, name=,  size=,  class=, something=,  that=,
this=, etc.

You can use the syntax to find tag attributes:

    [EMAIL PROTECTED] condition value]

To fine all tags with name picture1:


This condition finds the beginnign letters ^=, so you can use this to
find all names that begins with "picture"


Similarily, you can find all ids that begin with "title"


You can also be specific, like find all div tags with name that begins
with picture:


You can so do multiple selects, like find all divs and h3

  $('div h3')

but if you use the comma:


that says find the H3 tag that is within div,  I think <g>

Anyway, it serves no justice to even try to go further. :-)  I've been
at 3 weeks, and I'm getting comfortable with it each day.  You just
got to explore it more, trial and error, and also as a suggestion,
even study questions here and see if you can solve them.   Thats how I
always learn things - solving other people's problems. :-)


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