On 9/6/07, Shaun Kester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I figured out the missing ';', sorry about that. I found this function
> in the archive and it works for alerting me that one of the radio sets
> is not checked. Is there any way in the alert for it to tell me the
> name, id, or rel attribute of the group that stopped the find?
>         if(!$(this).find("[EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked").size()){
>                 alert( "All questions are required. Please check your 
> entries." );
>                 return false;
>         };

Ah yeah, the missing ; thing is because I used commas in the for
initialisation instead of semi-colons, right?

Anyway, as for your new code, I don't know what  'this' refers to so I
will assume you want it to refer to a set of radio buttons. You will
need to target all the sets somehow so add a class to the containing
element of each set. Let's call it 'radioSet'. So your HTML will look
like this:

<tr class="zOdd radioSet">
    <td>1. I am proud to be part of the  [redacted].</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
        <label for="p1q1-1">1</label><input value="1" id="p1q1-1"
name="p1q1" type="radio">
        <label for="p1q1-2">2</label><input value="2" id="p1q1-2"
name="p1q1" type="radio">
<tr class="zEven radioSet">
    <td>2. I see myself working for the [redacted] three years from now.</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
        <label for="p1q2-1">1</label><input value="1" id="p1q2-1"
name="p1q2" type="radio">
        <label for="p1q2-2">2</label><input value="2" id="p1q2-2"
name="p1q2" type="radio">

Then this jQuery code might work:

function validate_form(){
        var valid = true;
        //loop through the radio sets
                var theRadioSet = this;
                //make sure at least one radio is checked
                //do not use @ symbol if using jQuery 1.1.4, it's deprecated
                if ( $('input[type=radio]:checked',theRadioSet).length != -1 ){
                        valid = false;
                        alert ('The question with id "'+theRadioSet.id+'" was 
not answered');
                        return false; //I *think* this halts further 'each' 
        return valid;

Hope this gets you closer to where you want to be.

Joel Birch.

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