Randy, what about using an existing HTML slide show system such as S5?



I think that's where I would start if I were doing something like this.


> I am a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
> (www.sbts.edu) and I am looking for some volunteer help on 
> putting together a gospel presentation using JQuery and a web 
> browser.  I currently have a PowerPoint presentation that I 
> have worked on together with one of my professors, but our 
> distribution is somewhat complicated because of the 
> limitations of and bugs in PowerPoint.  In addition, I am a 
> good programmer but a horrible designer and therefore need 
> some help to put together some graphics to go with the 
> outline of the presentation as well as create a rich user experience.
> If you have time and are interested, please contact me at the 
> email address above.  I can send you our original 
> presentation and my updated outline and then we can go from there.
> In Him,
> Randy

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