Well, no one has answered but for future reference, I've settled on
using callbacks. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way, so
someone should correct me if so?

a la:

$(element).effect(parameter, function() { secondeffect });

where secondeffect will trigger AFTER effect rather than

On Sep 4, 5:26 am, alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I posted earlier about a gallery for portfolio purposes. After being
> unable to find anything particularly suitable, I wanted to write my
> own but am having a few issues.
> I hope to release this gallery as a well documented and easy to use
> plugin for people with similar needs (very customizable and simple
> gallery in terms of divs that will be updated, reads from xml,
> preloader etc). Of course, it is far from complete, and as I am pretty
> new to jquery and not the most proficient javascript coder, I hope
> people can give me feedback too!
> Here are my issues:
> 1) I have previous and next buttons, but I want them disabled until
> the image they load is finished its effect (fadeIn)
> 2) I've built a basic preloader that loads images on either 'side' of
> the current image, I don't know how efficiently it is done or if it
> could be done better, but sometimes clicking too fast will cause the
> fadeIn to go (with no image loaded) then the image suddenly appears.
> ** Is there a more surefire way to hold off the fadeIn until the image
> is fully loaded? ** (they are preloaded as an array of Image()
> objects)
> 3) it seems like after fading in, some objects jump down a pixel or
> two which is okay i suppose but annoying - am I doing something wrong?
> An initial version in testing with some dummy data can be seen 
> athttp://prod.waffl.ca
> Thank you so much in advance!
> Code is as follows:
> /*
> wafflgallery.js v0.1a
> September 4, 2007
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] //http://www.waffl.ca
> Please wait until this is completed before using! Once I am done, you
> can feel free to modify and redistribute it as you like as long as you
> keep this commented header intact and unmodified.
> */
> curPos = 0;
> function loadGallery(xmlPath, imageContainerId1, imageCaptionId1,
> imageControlBox1, imagePrevButtonId1, imageNextButtonId1)
> {
>         /* Load the xml */
>         $.ajax({
>                 type: "GET",
>                 url: xmlPath,
>                 dataType: "xml",
>                 success: function(xmlData)
>                 {
>                         xmlDataSet = xmlData;
>                         resultSetLength = $("item",xmlDataSet).length - 1;
>                         preloadImg = new Array(resultSetLength);
>                         /* load everything into global variables */
>                         imageContainerId = imageContainerId1;
>                         imageCaptionId = imageCaptionId1;
>                         imageControlBox = imageControlBox1;
>                         imagePrevButtonId = imagePrevButtonId1;
>                         imageNextButtonId = imageNextButtonId1;
>                         /* Set up the prev/next buttons */
>                         $(imagePrevButtonId).click(function()
>                         {
>                                 curPos--;
>                                 preload();
>                                 updateGallery();
>                         });
>                         $(imageNextButtonId).click(function()
>                         {
>                                 curPos++;
>                                 preload();
>                                 updateGallery();
>                         });
>                         /* SlideIn and Load the first image & caption without 
> an effect */
> $(imageContainerId).fadeIn(1000).SlideInUp(1000,null,'easeout');
>                         $(imageContainerId + " img").attr({"src": 
> getCurrentImage(), "alt":
> getCurrentTags()});
>                         $(imageCaptionId).html(getCurrentCaption());
>                         $(imageControlBox).fadeIn(5000);
>                         preload();
>                 },
>                 error: function()
>                 {
>                         $(imageContainerId).html("wafflgallery - error 
> loading " +
> xmlPath);
>                 }
>         });
> }
> /* returns the current image */
> function getCurrentImage(specPos) {
>         if (specPos)
>                 return $("imageLocation:eq(" + specPos + 
> ")",xmlDataSet).text();
>         else
>                 return $("imageLocation:eq(" + curPos + 
> ")",xmlDataSet).text();
> }
> /* returns the current title */
> function getCurrentTitle() {
>         return $("title:eq(" + curPos + ")",xmlDataSet).text();
> }
> /* returns the current caption */
> function getCurrentCaption() {
>         return "<a href=" + getCurrentLink() + " alt=" + getCurrentTitle() +
> ">" + getCurrentTitle() + "</a> // " + $("year:eq(" + curPos +
> ")",xmlDataSet).text();
> }
> /* returns the current tags */
> function getCurrentTags() {
>         return $("tags:eq(" + curPos + ")",xmlDataSet).text();
> }
> /* returns the current link */
> function getCurrentLink() {
>         return $("link:eq(" + curPos + ")",xmlDataSet).text();
> }
> function preload() {
>         if ((curPos == 0 && !preloadImg[resultSetLength]) || (curPos ==
> resultSetLength && !preloadImg[0])) {
>                 preloadImg[resultSetLength] = new Image();
>                 preloadImg[resultSetLength].src = 
> getCurrentImage(resultSetLength);
>                 preloadImg[1] = new Image();
>                 preloadImg[1].src = getCurrentImage(1);
>         }
>         else if (!preloadImg[curPos - 1] || !preloadImg[curPos + 1]) {
>                 preloadImg[curPos - 1] = new Image();
>                 preloadImg[curPos - 1].src = getCurrentImage(parseInt(curPos 
> - 1));
>                 preloadImg[curPos + 1] = new Image();
>                 preloadImg[curPos + 1].src = getCurrentImage(parseInt(curPos 
> + 1));
>         }
> }
> /* updates the divs with the specific effect */
> function updateGallery()
> {
>         if (curPos > resultSetLength)
>                 curPos = 0;
>         else if (curPos < 0)
>                 curPos = resultSetLength;
>         /* update with effect*/
>         $(imageContainerId + "
> img").attr("src",getCurrentImage()).fadeIn(1000);
>         $(imageCaptionId).html(getCurrentCaption()).fadeIn(1000);
> }

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