Hi Anton,

While I think it's a Firefox bug, the most recent version of clueTip lets you work around it:


You can use the $.cluetip.setup function to change where the clueTip divs are placed in the DOM. For example:

  insertionType: 'prependTo',
  insertionElement: '#container'

The most recent version also shows clueTips with a straight .show() by default. If you want a .fadeIn() effect, you can set that option like so:

  fx: {open: ' fadeIn', openSpeed: 'fast'}

Hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On Sep 10, 2007, at 11:03 AM, Anton wrote:

no flicker with wrapper-div:

flicker without div and changed fx:

Is this a Firefox bug, not a Cluetip bug? I so wish this issue could
be solved somehow..

PS. I noticed in Firebug that the two example pages differ from each
other in that body gets style="position:static" when hovering, is that
relevant to the problem? Maybe it treats the DOM as "fresh", thus
reloading the Flash? Just a long shot..

Thanks in advance,


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