I'm a javascript novice and I'm working with the jMaps plugin for
jQuery to add Yahoo Maps to a site. For basic maps, the plugin is
working great; however, I'm having trouble getting its addPoint
function to work. When I try the following script, the map displays
but the point doesn't:

          provider: 'yahoo',
          maptype: "map",
          zoom: 5,
          center: [18.335298917917967,-64.73007202148438]});
        $('#jmap').addPoint('18.3437','-64.7152', false, 'Point1',
false, false);

I can add the point via the Firebug console just fine, by typing in
the addPoint line directly. My guess is that the map isn't yet "ready"
when I'm trying to add the point in the script. I've tried lots of
other variations, but without any luck. Any tips on how to get the
point added from inside the script?


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