Check out the revisions made to .load() and the new getScript feature
of 1.2:

These may help you solve your problems!



On Sep 11, 3:05 am, Stamen Georgiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having the same problems here.
> And it looks the same with the latest release (1.2) :-(
> Help, anyone?
> On Sep 10, 7:26 pm, Bryan Blakey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As many others have already noted, if your page makes anAJAXcall
> > that returnsjavascriptand HTML, for some reasonIEand Safari are
> > unwilling to execute any of thejavascript.  Looking through the
> > jQuery code, I noticed that there *used* to be an evalScripts function
> > in the same object as the load function, but that is deprecated in
> > light of the fact that there is now a globalEval function that should
> > be called with certain of the the HTML injection methods.  However,
> > after numerous tests, it seems that this wasn't working all the time
> > in either Safari orIE.  I dediced to add the evalScripts function
> > back in like so:
> >         evalScripts: function( self ){
> >                 var scripts = self.get(0).getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
> >                 $(scripts).each(function(){
> >                         if ( window.execScript ) {
> >                                 window.execScript( $(this).html() );
> >                         }
> >                         else if ( jQuery.browser.safari ) {
> >                                 window.setTimeout( $(this).html(), 0 );
> >                         }
> >                         else {
> >                       window, $(this).html() );
> >                         }
> >                 });
> >         }
> > This gets called by load if the oncomplete status is "success" with:
> >         self.evalScripts( self );
> > Can anyone tell me if this is a bad idea (and if so, why?) as well as
> > any insights into why the built in globalEval function doesn't always
> > work inIEor Safari?

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