I was having the same issue using the hover function for some
suckerfish drop-down nav tonight. Once I switched to using
the .mouseover and .mouseout events like Dad has above, it worked
properly -- with the status bar showing the links from the nested uls.

On Aug 27, 3:46 pm, Dan Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The function it seems like you're writing can be much simpler,
> something like:
> $('#menu li a').mouseover( function(){
>         window.status = $(this).attr('href');});
> But that still won't work because the hover function still forces that
> function to return false to prevent the normal browser problems of
> using mouseover/mouseout.
> - Dan
> On Aug 27, 2:30 pm, "Dragan Krstic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $("li").bind("mouseover",function(){
> > $("this").find("ul li").bind("mouseover",function(){
> >      window.status = $("this").children("a").attr("href");
> > });
> > });
> > Or
> > $("li").bind("mouseover",function(){
> > $("this").find("ul li a").bind("mouseover",function(){
> >      window.status = $("this").attr("href");
> > });
> > });
> > Something like that
> > 2007/8/27, Dan Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > That's a good thought. But would I attach that to all links inside of
> > > the hovered element? In that case wouldn't the code in hover still
> > > clobber that and prevent it from being executed?
> > > It won't work if I just put that code inside the hover functions
> > > because there is no href associated with the element being hovered.
> > > Just to clarify markup is like:
> > > <ul>
> > >         <li><a href="1.html">one</a>
> > >                 <ul>
> > >                         <li><a href="1a.html">onea</a></li>
> > >                         <li><a href="1b.html">oneb</a></li>
> > >                         <li><a href="1c.html">onec</a></li>
> > >                 </ul>
> > >         </li>
> > >         <li><a href="2.html">one</a>
> > >                 <ul>
> > >                         <li><a href="2a.html">onea</a></li>
> > >                         <li><a href="2b.html">oneb</a></li>
> > >                         <li><a href="2c.html">onec</a></li>
> > >                 </ul>
> > >         </li>
> > >         ...
> > > </ul>
> > > So hover is attached to the outer most <li> elements and on hover the
> > > <ul> inside of that should appear. This works fine except that then
> > > the links inside don't display in the status bar because of hover. I
> > > actually notice links such as "1.html" and "2.html" displaying in the
> > > status but the sublinks "1a.html", "2a.html", etc. are the ones that
> > > don't display.
> > > - Dan
> > > On Aug 27, 1:55 pm, "Dragan Krstic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Solution would be:
> > > > window.status = $(this).attr("href"), I think.
> > > > 2007/8/27, Dragan Krstic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > > I noticed that, too. I would give a shot to window.status. It was
> > > handy
> > > > > during href="javascript:;" time.
> > > > > 2007/8/27, Dan Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> > > > > > I am wondering if anyone has noticed the issue with jQuery's hover
> > > > > > function that makes it less than perfect for dropdown menus.
> > > Normally
> > > > > > most browsers display the href of the link in the status bar at the
> > > > > > bottom of the window when a user hovers that link. Because hover
> > > > > > suppresses the default onmouseover and onmouseout behaviors by
> > > > > > returning false for them for all children of the hovered element, it
> > > > > > breaks the default browser feature. Recently a client of mine
> > > > > > complained about this and I was wondering if anyone else has had
> > > this
> > > > > > problem, found a solution or workaround or anything of that sort. My
> > > > > > first reaction is to say that this is just what you have to trade
> > > away
> > > > > > to get a nicer hover event, but obviously it would be great to have
> > > > > > both.
> > > > > > Thanks.
> > > > > --
> > > > > Dragan Krstić krdr
> > > > >http://krdr.ebloggy.com/
> > > > --
> > > > Dragan Krstić krdrhttp://krdr.ebloggy.com/
> > --
> > Dragan Krstić krdrhttp://krdr.ebloggy.com/

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