Hi guys, been using Jquery a bit for my dashboard website at my work
just to add eye candy and such...
This is the first time I have run into an IE bug...

What happens is that once a table get loaded with my code it shows the
correct colours in Firefox on both windows and linux but does not
interpret the JS in the file that I load when I open it with IE.

Here is the code.

Thank you for any and all help



$('#cserver').click(function() {
            $.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = "<h1>Please wait...</
            $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, { backgroundColor:
'#fff' });
            $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.pageMessageCSS, { color:
'#000', backgroundColor: '#fff' });
            setTimeout($.unblockUI, 2000);


======THE PHP FILE (rpc.php)======

        $cOption = $_GET['o'];
        $videowall_source = "";

        switch($cOption) {
                case 1:
                $videowall_url = "stats.html";
                $fp = fopen($videowall_url, "r") or die("The Information 
couldn't be
                while(! feof($fp))
     $videowall_source = $videowall_source . fgets($fp, 1024);
  } print $videowall_source;



<script type="text/javascript">


<tr><td id=name>mts</td><td id=status>RUNNING</td></tr>
<tr><td id=name>osagent</td><td id=status>DOWN</td></tr>
<tr><td id=name>vbt</td><td id=status>RUNNING</td></tr>
<tr><td id=name>ccs</td><td id=status>RUNNING</td></tr>

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