Build your table offline by creating an array and push() new segments
into it.  Finish by hoin()ing the array and injecting the result into
the HTML.

On Sep 13, 2:44 am, David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hadn't noticed this until someone actually loaded up a dataset of 1k
> entries today and it made the browser croak.
> Firefox:
> DOM Creation Test
>     * jQuery: 1.323
>     * Normal: 0.128
> DOM Creation Test (with vars assigned)
>     * jQuery: 1.026
>     * Normal: 0.128
> Safari 3:
> DOM Creation Test
> jQuery: 0.333
> Normal: 0.016
> DOM Creation Test (with vars assigned)
> jQuery: 0.334
> Normal: 0.016
> Is there any reason its so much slower to use jQuery for DOM
> manipulation?

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