On Sep 13, 8:42 am, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would love thoughts and advice.  The code is pretty procedural and ugly.



In FF, when clicking an entry (any entry), the text for the
entry OVERLAYS the TODO list, making it essentially unreadable. If i
expand my window to full-screen (1600x1200) (and i despise working
with full-screen windows) then the text is not overlaid, but spaced
out reasonably.

An additional "problem" i see here is one common to other API browsers
i've seen: they're arranged strictly alphabetically, which means that
they're only useful if you know exactly what you're looking for. The
jQuery web site does a good job of breaking down the API int general
categories of features, which makes browsing much easier for the
generic case, IMO. Perhaps you can find a way to consolidate such a
feature in your browser?

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