On Sep 15, 10:17 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh, just read your message again. I'd say make your "widget" page fix
> itself. I'm not sure how cross platform this is, but cursory testing
> indicates that you can do:
> if(window.parent == window) {
>   // standalone page
> } else {
>   // in iframe
> }

Ok, that is what I was looking for - atleast to explore it with the
page checking itself.

> Or maybe you could do it server side, either by passing an extra
> parameter, or by checking the referer header (depending on how your
> pages are setup).

Yes, another approach.  Let me try the above.... Ok, just need to find
the body color:

  if(window.parent != window) {
     // in iframe
     var e = parent.document.getElementById("iFrameDetails");
     var bc =  $.curCSS(e.ownerDocument.body,"backgroundColor");
     console.log("bodyColor: ",bc);

This seems to get the right color, but in rgb format which I don't
think the .css method looks for.  Also, I was trying to the the parent
body without requiring the iframe reference.

Still plugging away, but if you have the answer, that will be just
great. :-)

I appreciate your expertise.


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