On 9/14/07, James Dempster wrote:
> The problem with Zebra Striping widget in tablesorter is because it
> uses a little bit of xpath, which has been taken out of jQuery 1.2, to
> fix this replace the format function on line 819 or around there with
> $("> tbody:first > tr:visible",table)
>   .filter(':even')
> .removeClass(table.config.widgetZebra.css[1]).addClass(table.config.widgetZebra.css[0])
>   .end().filter(':odd')
> .removeClass(table.config.widgetZebra.css[0]).addClass(table.config.widgetZebra.css[1])
> ;

Could you describe the problem with zebra stripes? My TableSorter is
working with jQuery 1.2, except that when you sort the table the
stripes aren't updated. Is this the problem?

Anyway, I don't see any functional difference using your code, but
probably I'm missing something.

Once I get some time, I'll implement two features I need:

1. Allow to define which thead row will be used to trigger sorting. By
default, use the first row. This would allow multiple thead rows
without breaking TableSorter execution.

2. Implement an Ajax pagination widget, to reload tbody rows with
server-side data.

Of course, I'll keep an eye on the community hacks to see if something
similar appears.

Hey, thanks for the plugin. It is super "simple but slick". Lovely stuff. :)

-- rodrigo moraes

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