I have a form that is using both the ajaxFileUpload and the MultiFile
plugins.  When a user selects a file for upload, the change event
uploads the file via ajax for validation.  If an error occurs, I need
to remove the file from the MultiFile "queue".  I can (and have)
manually removed the elements, but that doesn't decrement the maxfile
counter, of course.

The easy way to do all of this is to trigger the MultiFile function
that is called when the user deletes the file from the UI, but I can't
figure out how to do that or, for that matter, if it's even possible.

Here is a snippet from within my $.ajaxFileUpload() where I'm manually
removing the UI components:

success: function ( data, status ) {
        try {
                var index = /\d+$/.test ( input.name ) ? input.name.replace ( 
(\d)+$/, '$1' ) : 0;
                 * If there's an error in the upload process, remove the 
                 * UI elements.
                if ( data['error'].length > 0 ) {
                        $('#multi_0_' + index ).remove();
                        /** TODO: have to decrement the counter within the 
object...how? */

                        throw ( data['error'] );
                else {
                        // Debug
                        // alert ( data['files'] );
                        $('form').prepend (
                                '<input type="hidden" ' +
                                'id="uploaded' + index + '" ' +
                                'name="uploaded' + index + '" ' +
                                'value="' + encodeURI ( data['files'] ) + '" ' +
        catch ( e ) {
                alert ( 'Error: ' + e.message );

Any help would be much appreciated.


Rob Wilkerson

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