
because this is my first post to this group, thanks for jquery + ui
and sorry for the incomprehensible subject. I'll try to explain it a
little bit clearer. I'm developing something like a Google Maps clone
for large images (> 200 mega pixels). Of course I can't display all
generated image tiles and so they are generated dynamically by jQuery
[1] while dragging the visible tiles (the "map"). Hence tiles which
are removed from the viewport are deleted dynamically too.

My problem: I wrote a javascript function which automatically
relocates the dragged map if it was dragged over the source image
borders (while dragging). I used the easydrag plugin before and by
calling it in the ondrag handler everything worked like a charm. Today
I switched to jquery ui's draggable. Now there is a problem:

The code (in ui.dragabble.js) to stick the draggable helper to the
cursor in the drag function is called after the drag callback
function. Therefore my relocation function called in the callback
function can do whatever it wants, it won't have any effects on the
map. A workaround is to duplicate the call of the callback function
behind the css-relocating code in the drag function of

Unfortunately I can't use the containment parameter to prevent
dragging over borders so I need my relocating function. But I don't
won't to modify jQuery code. Is there another possibility?

Thanks in advance

[1] Of course the real image tiles are not generated by jQuery but by
vips (http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/).

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