
To call me a newbie would be to give newbies a bad name.  Had a
regular form working and wanted to add validation.  Got the jquery
thing working perfectly.  to a point.

Have this:
<form class="cmxform" id="form1" name="aedrec" method="GET" action=""
onKeyUp="highlight(event)" onClick="highlight(event)">

Had this:

<form name="aedrec" method="GET" action="saverec.php"
onKeyUp="highlight(event)" onClick="highlight(event)">

What I am missing is how to 'pass' the form to saverec.php.

Got this from the example:

        submitHandler: function() { alert("submitted!"); }

Obviosuly did nothing but pop an alert.  I get that this will do
nothing.  That, however, doesn;t help me much.  So I tried this:

        submitHandler: function(form1) {
            $(form1).ajaxsubmit() ;

What I get from this is a mysql error as it seems to be calling
itself, as opposed to saverec.php, whihc, of course, makes perfect
sense, since I have in no way told it to do so...

I have been reading ALOT and have spent the past few days learning
alot of javascript from page 1, but call me stoopid or just burnt, but
I can't find how to do this simple but obviously pertinent thing.  Can
I be helped without having to talk a lot of javascript? I'm a very
quick learner and can easily decipher code as part of the learning
process (although this ajax thing is just flying over my head like a
blond at a spelling bee, I will admit) .

Little help?


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